My Second Day, 4th December 2007
Mom told me that we can go home. A doctor said so this morning after routine checkup. I was given few japs to my arm and it was so painful. Why they need to do this to me? Is this the first terrible thing I'm going to experience? And I wonder why Mom did not protect me?? Is she cruel. I bet that, definitely when I grow up I demand an answer from her.
Sometimes I look to Mom and would like to ask her where is Dad. I didn't see him since yesterday afternoon. but Mom can sense what was in my mind. Mom told me that Dad will come later. He was too busy to prepare some food for my brothers and sisters. He needs to tidy up the house, water the plant, wash the cloths and many more. Wow...sure Dad is a busy man. Who the hell my sisters and brothers? How many are they in my family. This make me feel so ancious to know more about them.
Suddenly I heard the phone was ringing. I heard Mom was talking to Dad about c.i.r.c.u.m.c.i.s.i.o.n. That was the first scientific word I ever heard. What the hell is this?? Is this another night mare that I need to go again?? Oh God...please help me. Honestly I don't really know what it is but for sure I can feel something painful is going to happen.
A doctor took few minutes to cut my 'dick'. Wow........... I'm a boy......My Mom never told me that I'm a boy... I was crying profusely and trying to kick the doctor for not getting any permission to circumcise me. Anyway Mom told me that once in a life time I got to experience this. It is better to have it now rather than later coz I will be so shy to face 'Tok Mudin'. All your brother did it when they were small and this is the way to be a hero.
Dad came few hours later to pick me and Mom home. I was so excited to be at home playing with my brothers and sisters. What I'm going to expect then?????